
Maxxd.com was born in the early 2000’s, and was originally a national modified car club in the UK.

We were the largest modified car club in the country for many years, we raised £1000’s for charity and we even had our own magazine and social network (before social media was cool haha)

As the founding members got older, their priorities changed and unfortunately they were unable to sustain the running of such a beast, so the club wound down and the members got old and boring and bought houses and all that boring stuff.

This website is now an aggregator of modified car news from around the web, we repost news from credible sources and credit those sources at the bottom of each article. We do not claim ownership for any of the content on this website. If any of the content is factually incorrect, please make us aware but you would need to consult the author of the article which you would find via the source link.