French Car Show, GTi International and Japshow

This coming weekend is one of the weekends that will usually split up a general modified car club. A few car clubs accept any car, any member, as long as its modified. There are however a LOT of specific clubs that only allow people with the same type of car in. A few specific clubs …

Modified car fashion

In my personal opinion, modified cars should be about making your car unique and to your tastes and your tastes alone. Unfortunately this isn’t the case with many people, as lot choose to follow trends set by magazines and from things like music videos. And lets face it, who makes these videos? And where do …

Dukeries Rally 2008 Pictures & Report

If you went down to the woods today, you wouldn’t of seen the birds.. You’d of seen some rally cars, ripping up the dirt! *Ahem* I’ll stick to just writing and leave the rhyming for the professionals Haha. Anyway, member Cooper and some of his mates went down to the woods to watch some …