Here are 11 of the best modified car photos from our archives, we hope to bring you some more cool modified cars and inspirational photos in the very near future so check back regularly!
Category archives: Product News
2011 car news
Review of 2011 car news and car developments “The biggest stories from 2011” Whilst we would like to be upbeat and positive about 2011 we find it hard to come up with much positive news. Overall, manufacturers are still seeing a major slump in new car sales. 2010 was a bad year for car makers …
Review of 2010 car news and car developments
2010 continued to be a depressing year for car makers. The cash for clunkers and the car scrappage schemes helped to move numbers of new cars. Sadly though the winners in this were the low value Malaysian, Korean and Japanese car makers. The various scrappage schemes ended toward the last quarter and as a result …
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