DIY ecu mapping with ByteFlash “Using the ByteFlash handheld ECU remapping device” This is a review of the handheld ecu flashing device from ByteFlash. Following negative feedback from our readers and our own experiences with Rob Bentley at JR TUNING in Kent we are not recommending this company, until all outstanding issues, debts, complaints have been resolved …
Category archives: Product News
RCM Parallel Fuel Rail Kit. Fuel’s Gold!
Current TOTB and Time Attack Champions Roger Clark Motorsport have released yet another one of their own superb trophy winning tricks into the market place; their parallel fuel rail kit. On the standard Subaru engine, fuel is delivered is a ‘series’ style circuit, feeding first one bank of cylinders before stretching around the block to …
Thor Racing Laser Cut Stainless Instruments
Thor Racing Laser Cut Stainless Instruments. Cut A Dash! For the one component that you spend most of your driving time looking at, your poor old gauges are usually at the back of the queue when it comes to improving aesthetics. Luckily, THOR Racing has stepped forward to banish dreary dashboards forever with their beautifully …
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