Note to readers: This story has been updated from its original version with comment from Musk. Federal regulators said Thursday in a lawsuit that Tesla CEO Elon Musk intentionally misled investors last month when he tweeted that he had “funding secured” to buy back millions of dollars in shares, and asked a judge to bar Musk from running the…
GM files trademark for “Sport Control AWD” name
General Motors has something brewing involving an all-wheel-drive system. GM Authority first discovered on Wednesday a trademark filing for the name “Sport Control AWD.” The United States Patent and Trademark Office granted the filing on September 20 and noted the name will be associated with “all-wheel-drive systems and electronic stability…
The deal is back: 800-horsepower Ford Mustang GT for $39,995
For Mustang fans, there may be no greater dealership from which to buy the popular pony car than Lebanon Ford. This is the Ohio-based outfit that offers up serious power upgrades for far less cash than you think would be required. The latest offer? A 2019 Mustang GT packing 800 horsepower on sale for just $39,995, and that includes the car. The…