Ram has added a dose of luxury to its popular off-road 1500 Rebel model. The brand announced Friday the 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 12 package, which combines some of Ram’s luxury and technology features with the off-road capability of the Rebel. The 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel 12 begins life as a standard Rebel model with all of the extra goodies. They include a…
Kahn Design builds wild Land Rover Range Rover Sport SVR
Land Rover’s brilliant Range Rover Sport SVR is already quite the wild beast but this latest take from Kahn Design significantly ups the wow factor. It’s called the Range Rover Sport SVR Pace Car, and like the vehicle it’s based on it’s been developed to offer the perfect blend of luxury and performance. The changes begin with the addition of a…
Relive your childhood by celebrating 50th anniversary of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”
In 1968, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang premiered to the world. Roald Dahl’s film adaption of Ian Fleming’s classic book took the world by storm. To celebrate the golden anniversary of this iconic film, the National Motor Mseum in Beaulieu, England is rolling out a massive celebration of the film and the history surrounding it. Fleming wrote the book for…