On August 7 Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted about taking the automaker private. While it may have seemed to slip out of the news, the tweet had not slipped the minds of federal agencies. The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) now has an open investigation into the Silicon Valley company, and whether it…
Get renewable energy for your 2019 Audi e-tron
Future owners of the 2019 Audi e-tron can be extra green with a new partnership between the automaker and Arcadia Power. Audi announced Monday it will join forces with Arcadia Power to support renewable energy production. The collaboration can provide renewable energy for owners that charge their e-tron at home. Arcadia Power connects a homeowner…
The 2019 BMW Z4 won’t offer a manual transmission
BMW is unlikely to offer a manual gearbox as an option on its new 2019 BMW Z4. The convertible sports car exists in a niche segment to begin with, and adding in the choice of a manual transmission would slice an already small take rate into quantities too small to matter. Speaking to Road & Track, BMW’s head of R&D Klaus Fröhlich…