Making your own car video

Since the launch of the camera phone, car owners across the globe have gone mad for video, making hundreds of thousands of small video clips and uploading them to sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. Video has become an increasingly popular topic across a range of different age groups and by the looks of it will continue to grow at an unbelievable rate, YouTube is now the 2nd biggest “search engine” in the WORLD and attracts millions of users each week.

You can actually make your own video by using your camera phone and edit it using the software provided with your phone. If you are looking to make a more professional video for uploading to YouTube or sharing with friends you can use what they call an action camera. These are video cameras which have been designed for outdoor use and come in a variety of different models, some of which are even waterproof and can be used during water sports.

Here at Maxxd we have tested a number of action cameras, these include the GoPro Motorsport, GoPro Helmet Hero from GoPro UK, the Action Sports Cam and more recently a brand new camera from HD POV.

After many trials, tests, heated discussions and more tests we cannot come to a decision on which one we like the best. However we do feel its a toss up between the GoPro and HDPOV, they both have their uses and benefits and both fall within similar price brackets….

We shall see what happens in the next six months and keep our eyes peeled for more reviews 🙂

Capturing Those Car Show Memories

Car shows are every major car enthusiasts dream, a chance to show off all the hard work put into your car, and spend hours chatting over open bonnets. Many car shows host track competitions, sometimes referred to as ‘track days’ or the most notable event at Santa Pod Raceway, ‘Run what ya brung’.
These are great chances to show off exactly what your car can do performance wise, and have some real fun along the way. However these days are sadly over very quickly and confined to the memory.
There is though, a perfect way to capture the memories of speeding round a track like a pro in your very own car, which you can watch again and again, motorsport cameras! is a website dedicated to the sale of motorsport cameras, including HD cameras, and related accessories.
These cameras are perfect for mounting on your car, motorbike, or helmet, so you can get a perfect, crisp, high definition video of your runs around the track, which you can then watch again for the memories, and post it online for others to see your run from a great perspective.
With great quality cameras starting at £129.98, along with mounts for the perfect positioning and memory cards so you can capture endless videos, you will not find a better motorsport camera site with as much expertees as motorcam. So get your cameras fitted, get out on the track, and record some amazing motoring memories.

USC 2010 – Ultimate Street Car

The Maxxd team visited Santapod again this year and were graced with good weather, and lots of automotive PORN!

We’re pleased to present to you these pics (Thanks to Garage Awesome!) Enjoy!

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