Tag: Guides


    The first five mods to break out your credit card for? This time we realise that it’s what’s on the inside that counts… Here’s our first five interior mods you should get your hands on.

    First five interior mods

    Gear Knobs, from £15

    So, the number one of our first five interior mods. What will be the king of them all? Surely it has to be the humble gear knob, right? I mean, think about it, is a car really modified without an aftermarket, or at least uprated, shifter? And that’s another thing, back in the day it was an FC rule that we would only call them shifters, because we used to giggle like little girls when writing the word knob. We’ve obviously grown up a bit now though… not!

    Anyway, knobs come in all shapes and sizes. Some people like a big one, some like a fat one, and some want nothing more than them to be a bit of a showpiece. But, the only really important thing lads, is how they fit in your hand, that’s the key to the best performance.

    Shifting effectively is a timing and coordination game and, believe it or not, getting the right knob can make a huge difference to how you drive. It’s not just about looks, or the flashy brand (although both can have a lot to do with what you choose), many tuners still use weighted items to help assist with the throw and get a more positive change. So, the weight helps, but always bear in mind that the most valuable knob from a performance point of view is one that simply feels right.

    The only thing to watch out for here is fitments. You really do get what you pay for, so always look for a good quality item that lists your specific model as an application. You don’t want it coming off in your hand at an inconvenient moment now, do you? Most good knobs will simply screw onto the thread left on the standard gearstick, or be tailored for your car if it has a ‘lift up reverse’ or other awkward fitment. In other words, one car may be different to the next, and there’s no such thing as a truly universal gear knob. Generally speaking, the items that claim to be universal are universally guaranteed to fit fuc… (you get the picture)

    Top Contact: Kode – kodeshop.co.uk

    First five interior mods

    Aftermarket Steering Wheels, from £90

    There’s two key things that you need to know about aftermarket steering wheels. First, the right choice will always look the bollocks, and show the world that you’ve gone to all the effort of finishing off your interior, not to mention removed your airbag, all in the pursuit of modifying glory. And second… er yeah, in 99.99% of cases, they won’t have an airbag. This isn’t a safety issue as such; we all know that you wear your seatbelt and aren’t going to crash your pride and joy anytime soon. It’s more that, if your airbag light on the dash is illuminated for all to see, you’ll not only fail your MOT, but all the other airbags in the car won’t work either.

    So, when fitting a new steering wheel it’s vital to trick the car into thinking that the airbag is still fitted, and for this you’ll need the correct resistor or an ‘airbag delete kit’. These aren’t universal, you’ll have to match up with the correct resistance for your particular car. This will keep the light out, ensure all your other airbags function, and make sure you’re the right side of the law.

    Speaking of universal parts, too. The thing to remember here is that most aftermarket wheels are designed to be just that, to actually fit one to your car properly, you’ll also need a ‘boss’ which is an adaptor tailored to your specific model. Don’t get caught out with the wrong PCD either – that’s right, steering wheels have PCDs, too. This is the measurement of the bolts that fit your wheel to the boss, and it’s crucial to make sure the wheel you choose, matches the PCD of the boss.

    The two most popular steering wheel PCDs you find here in the UK are 6x70mm, commonly known as ‘MOMO’ fitment (also fits Sparco, Isotta, Kode and NRG). And 6x74mm, known as Nardi (also fits Personal). They’re easy to mix up, so always double check to avoid getting a wonky wheel, or one that doesn’t fit at all.

    With all that, there is some good news though, it’s scientifically proven that a good steering wheel can be a genuine performance enhancing mod. If it feels better, you’re more comfortable, you’ll often get more feedback and that means you’ll be a better driver. Makes sense to us.

    Top Contact: MOMO – www.momo.com

    First five interior mods

    Seats (or not), From £Nowt

    You need one of these to park your booty when you drive your car, that’s a given. But, do you really need all the others? Have you got kids? Do you need to take Uncle Bob and Auntie Mildred shopping all that often? If not, why not rip out the rest and save some weight? It’s free you know. Actually, it’ll do wonders for handling and your MPG, so technically you’ll be richer. A penny saved is a penny earned!

    In any case, that’s the first consideration – weight. There are many options when it comes to modifying the seats you actually need; you could retrim the originals in leather or get custom designed covers from Seatskinz for maximum poshness, or fit standard seats from a better model. But, chances are standard perches will be heavy, so for many, switching to aftermarket items is all about shedding poundage. In some cases, you could save up to 20kg per seat because many aftermarket items are specifically designed to be light, and manufactured using fibreglass, carbon fibre or even Kevlar.

    There’s two main flavours – bucket seats, which have fixed backs and are derived from the racing world. And recliners, which are a little more forgiving in road cars. That’s an important point, too. Bucket seats are great on the track, because they’re generally designed to hold you in tight when you’re balls-out in the corners. For some they may well work on the road, too, but it doesn’t mean that everyone will find them comfortable.

    Recliners on the other hand tend to be more supportive than standard, but less supportive than buckets… and a hell of a lot more respectful to your backside which may have to sit in them for hours on end. All we can say here is choose wisely and get yourself parked in a few different models before you commit.

    When it comes to fitment, in some respects aftermarket seats are not unlike aftermarket steering wheels. Again, they’re universal items that need a tailored adaptor (in this case a subframe) to fit your car. And, with the many modern cars that have airbags in the stock seats, once again you’ll need a resistor or a delete kit to stop the dreaded airbag light coming on.

    When you’ve considered all this there’s one last thing to think about – nothing will ever transform your interior quite like a set of seats. For most of us, that’s all that really matters.

    Top Contact:

    Seatskinz – www.individualautodesign.co.uk
    Cobra Seats – www.cobraseats.com

    Gauges, From £30

    What’s even more expensive than a posh set of seats? Normally the big, hot thing under the bonnet that makes funny noises and burns all your petrol. With this in mind it makes sense that you’re going to want to keep an eye of all the technical stuff like oil temperature, air-fuel ratios and boost… wonderful, lovely, juicy boost. And that’s where gauges come in.

    On the bright side, nothing says your car means business like having more dials than a 1980s Boeing 747, and you can get them for just about everything from battery voltage to exhaust gas temperature. To be honest, even if you haven’t got a clue what any of them mean, or how to fix a problem they flag up, it certainly looks like you do, and for some that’s kudos aplenty.

    Aftermarket gauges have been around for decades now and, traditionally at least, you’d see plenty of tuner cars with stacks of round instruments slotted somewhere in the dash, or the A pillar, or the hole where the headunit used to be, and sometimes even outside the car on the bonnet. This still happens, and it still looks cool in a retro kind of way, but let’s not forget that the game has moved on somewhat, and not everyone fancies taking a 52mm hole saw to their modern motor. Or having to drill and tap sensors into oil lines, coolant systems and all the other things necessary for these gauges to take a reading.

    Thankfully nowadays there are plenty of other solutions available in the form of ‘multi-gauges’, these can range from relatively discrete items mounted in heater vents and the like, to rather lairy touchscreens that look like widescreen TVs… just in case the bloke behind was wondering what sort of airflow your MAF is seeing at any given moment. What all these modern gauges have in common though, is that they can show many different parameters on an LCD screen, without the need for a whole load of separate units dotted about. Plenty of the most up-to-date items also use a single feed, plugging into your OBD2 port and taking all the info from there. After all, most cars since the late ‘90s are packed with stock sensors all over the engine and other ancillary systems, it’d be a shame to just leave them for diagnostics, eh?

    Top Contact: Demon Tweeks – www.demon-tweeks.com.

    First five interior mods

    Tailored Car Mats, from £50

    So, you’ve got 30-quid left in your pay packet and got your eye on a set of universal car mats? Do yourself a favour, stuff the cash under your mattress and wait until next month. You’ll thank us when you buy a set of proper tailored jobs that don’t get stuck under your brake pedal… and so will the tree that you’ll inevitably hit!

    Tailored car mats are just that, they’re designed and cut specifically to match the floorplan of your car. You wouldn’t try installing the carpet out of your mum’s 3-bed semi in your footwells, would you? And it amounts to the same thing. Buy some that fit, trust us, there are plenty out there, in all different designs, with all grades of carpet and stitching, in any colour you can think of, and with plenty of trick Gucci options like kickplates and embroidered logos. Nowadays there’s even uber posh mats that cover the whole floor, up the sides, and all over the shop.

    The truth is that you can spend a fair amount, or a lot, on decent mats, but make no mistake, the one most important thing is that they fit properly without sliding around. Most of the good ones will use the factory restraints on the driver’s mat to stop them interfering with the pedals, but at the very least, get yours stuck down with a bit of double-sided tape or Velcro to avoid any nasty, bum clenching moments.

    Top Contact: Carmats4u – www.carmats4u.co.uk



    The Mitsubishi 3000GT has never shone like its Japanese counterparts. However, with prices for the high-tech supercoupé relatively low, is now the time to buy one? Here’s our quickfire Mitsubishi 3000GT buying and tuning guide.

    What is it?

    The UK-market Mitsubishi 3000GT and JDM GTO represent phenomenal value for money right now. They’re pretty rare, but naturally-aspirated examples can be found for £4,000 with turbocharged variants hovering around the £10k mark. Although it’s worth bearing in mind that, as hideously complex high-performance cars, there isn’t actually any such thing as a cheap one – you’ll end up spending the money somewhere!

    Mitsubishi 3000GT

    The 1990s supercoupé market saw Japanese manufacturers developing high-tech sports cars aimed squarely at the American market: the Mk4 Toyota Supra, the Nissan 300ZX, the quasi-supercar Honda NSX, and of course the feisty Mitsubishi GTO – badged as 3000GT in the UK due to copyright issues. The big Mitsi was a full-on geekfest of a car; the transversely-mounted 3.0-litre V6 engine had 24v heads, with the top-of-the-range model also getting twin turbos and, because Mitsubishi know a thing or two about chassis development, it had four-wheel steering, adaptive suspension, and full-time all-wheel drive. It also had active aerodynamics, with the front and rear spoilers adjusting themselves automatically, and there was also a variant offered with a mechanical retracting hardtop, creating the GTO Spyder. While they are essentially the same car, the JDM GTO and the UKDM 3000GT are markedly different propositions; the GTO was offered with the full suite of spec options – you could have the 6G72 V6 motor in nat-asp form for 222bhp, or with Mitsubishi’s proprietary turbochargers (one for each bank, each with its own intercooler) to amp things up to 276bhp. You could choose between a five-speed manual or a four-speed auto, and between cloth or leather trim. With our own domestic Mitsubishi 3000GT, however, the only real option was the full-bore, all-boxes-ticked variant. If you were buying one of these, it came by default as a twin-turbo (upped to 296bhp) with a manual ’box and leather trim. Early examples had super-cool pop-up headlights, although post-1994 cars replaced these with fixed units.

    The relatively high price and so-so press reviews kept a lot of buyers out of the showrooms, but enough of them sold to ensure that they’re still findable as used cars today. It’s the kind of car you almost certainly won’t see another example of as you’re driving it about, which is a lot of cachet for such a relatively small outlay.

    Mitsubishi 3000GT

    Mitsubishi 3000GT – what to look for

    The key thing to check is that everything works – all of the buttons, gauges, active aero, every electrical system. It’ll probably all be working fine, being a Mitsubishi, but if things are failing, quite a lot of the tech is hard to access and work on as it’s all so tightly packed in. So cars with faults need to be markedly cheaper.

    You’ll probably find sellers using the names GTO and 3000GT fairly interchangeably in their adverts, but it’s important to know which you’re looking at. If it’s nat-asp and/or automatic, it’s definitely not a UKDM car – not necessarily a problem, it’s just good to know. The GTO does tend to resist rust a little better; they’re all galvanised, but the Mitsubishi 3000GT received underbody protection which actually just traps moisture and accelerates rot. So have a good poke around underneath!

    Black or grey exhaust smoke suggests piston ring failure, white smoke is a failed head gasket. Ensure the timing belt’s been done at the correct intervals. Don’t be surprised if the gearbox rattles at idle or crunches going into second, that’s common and rarely terminal. And don’t be put off by shabby leather trim – it doesn’t wear well in any GTO/3000GT, and can be a good bargaining chip.

    3000GT top 5 modifications

    Suspension – from £1,740
    The GTO active suspension is very clever, but you can remove a lot of weight and complexity and infuse a bit more control with a Variant 3 coilover setup from KW.

    Exhaust – £POA
    For a properly retro look (plus a naughty noise) you need a pair of huge oval pipes, don’t you? We’d have a word with Powerflow, to see if they can come up with something special.

    Audio – £499
    It’s a high-tech car, but the audio is dated. Bring it up to date with the new Kenwood DMX8019DABS, the only one on the market with trick wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

    Clutch – from £331
    The stock clutch is fine for stock performance, but won’t last long if you ask it to deal with extra power. Talk to Competition Clutch about a… er,  competition clutch.

    Intercooler – £900
    An uprated FMIC will bring tangible benefits to the GTO – a classic mod for these cars. Eurospec offer a superb ESP unit. It’s a bit of a no-brainer this one.

    Mitsubishi 3000GT


    Toyota has seen all the rave with its latest GR Yaris but what about its past homologation specials? Here’s our quick fire Toyota Celica GT-Four ST205 buying guide and top five mods. 

    What is the Toyota Celica GT-Four?

    The Celica GT-Four is an iconic car, there’s no doubt about it. Conceived as a homologation special for the WRC, it took the everyday Celica liftback and offered it with a turbocharged 3S-GTE motor and permanent AWD. Launched in 1986, the variant existed across three generations – the ST165 (1986-89), ST185 (1989-93), and finally the one we’re looking at here, the all-conquering ST205 (1994-99).

    These cars represent pretty sensational value for money these days – you can pick up a runner for as little as £4,000 – although the sweet spot begins around the £7k mark for a good one. And if you think that sounds like a lot for an ageing nineties hatchback, remember these two important points: firstly, it’s a genuine Group A homologation special, and secondly these were very expensive cars when new – well over £10,000 more than the rival Impreza Turbo.

    Toyota Celica GT-Four ST205

    The 2.0-litre turbo 3S-GTE motor served up a raucous 239bhp, with the drivetrain consisting of an E154F 5-speed manual ’box, viscous centre and a Torsen rear diff. The peak power figure may sound modest today, but this package was good enough for 0-62mph in comfortably under six seconds and a top whack of 153mph – and it’s a hugely tuneable engine.

    You also got four-pot brakes as standard, with G-sensing ABS, intercooler water-spray, the correct plumbing to allow you to fit anti-lag, and a high-level version of the stock rear spoiler, raised up with tall GT-Four branded risers. It’s not a fully stripped rally weapon though, the spec also included air-con, an electric sunroof, heated mirrors, a decent stereo and headlamp washers. All in all it’s a compelling package, and the ST205 is markedly cheaper than the arguably more obvious Group A homologation choices – the Lancia Delta Integrale and the Ford Escort RS Cosworth. It’ll give either of them a run for their money too.

    ST205 GT-Four: what to look out for

    Check the provenance of the car you’re looking at, as there are a lot of import GT-Fours on the UK market – this isn’t necessarily an issue, although you may find spec differences as well as notable insurance price hikes. The easiest way to spot a non-UK GT-Four is the absence of headlamp washers. Make sure it’s been properly rustproofed underneath!

    Indeed, rust can be an issue on any Celica of this age – check the sills and arches in particular, as well as brake pipes underneath. The Toyota Celica GT-Four ST205  has an aluminium bonnet which is particularly prone to dents and dings, so check it’s in good order as finding a replacement can be tricky. Look out for white smoke from the exhaust which can indicate a worn turbo (rebuilds or upgrades aren’t a deal-breaker, but will need to be strongly factored into your buying price). Have a good look through the history to see it’s been looked after properly, as many haven’t – ideally you want to see oil changes every 5,000 miles or less, and that the fluid’s circulating correctly for the chargecooler. Heaters are a weak spot too – check that it’s blowing hot and cold, and a wet passenger carpet is a dead giveaway of a blown matrix; it’s not an expensive fix, but it’s a faff to do as you have to dismantle the dash!

    Toyota Celica GT-Four ST205

    One crucial factor on your test drive is to ensure the clutch is operating well: replacing it can take about eight hours of labour, which works out to be a significant percentage of your buying price. And if you hear any knocking or clonking from the front end, it’s likely that the ‘Superstrut’ suspension’s figure-eight camber control links are knackered.

    Top 5 Celica ST205 mods:

    Brakes from £999
    The stock 4-pots are great, but if they need replacing you may not be able to find them. So why not upgrade?! The K-Sport 4-pot setup is outstanding.

    Exhaust £294
    A Japspeed cat-back is a bit of a no-brainer for the ST205 – inexpensive, high-quality, looks great, and proven gains.

    Induction £285
    The Blitz SUS induction kit is a hardcore bit of hardware, developed with proper race car tech. Always a winner this one.

    Wheels from £900
    Rally cars need rally wheels. We reckon that the ST205 would look great on a set of 17-inch Speedline Turinis. Definitely in white too. Yum

    Seats from £1,200
    The stock seats are fine, but imagine how much better it’d be with a pair of Bride Low Max in the front!
